The DIII-D Team
International Team Advances Fusion Energy At DIII-D
The innovative fusion science and technology development performed at DIII-D is accomplished through the dedicated work of the talented operations and research teams that participate in the program. Notably, since DIII-D is a key facility for training the future fusion workforce, graduate students and undergraduate student interns are key members of the team, with protected time allotted to student projects during every run campaign to help these students develop the skills need to join the fusion workforce in the future.
The DIII-D research program is open to research proposals from any interested researcher, and it serves as a major hub in the international scientific community. The current DIII-D team comprises 666 users from domestic and international institutions, including U.S. national laboratories, academic institutions, and industry. DIII-D users include a mix of on-site researchers and scientists working remotely at their home institution. New users are regularly being added to the research program at DIII-D – become a new user here.

Participating Institutions
Each institution with participating scientists at DIII-D has its own nuclear fusion-related program. More can be learned about some of the individual institutions by following the links below:
Program Contributors
In addition to the international scope of the research collaborations at DIII-D, more than 100 institutions and corporations function as domestic contributors to DIII-D, either by direct participation in the research program or provision of necessary materials. These contributors are distributed throughout the United States, with over half of the states in the country containing at least one contributor, demonstrating the broad reach of the DIII-D program.